Saturday, January 18, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm – Houseplant & Begonia Sale
Come to the Lyman Estate Greenhouses, 185 Lyman Street in Waltham on January 18 from 9:30 to 4 for a great retail experience. This new exotic houseplant sale features begonias and gesneriads. This diverse group of flowering plants includes lipstick plants (Aeschynanthus), goldfish plants (Nemantanthus), flame violets (Episcia), along with Columnea, Streptocarpus, Sinningia, and Kohleria. Our fantastic selection of begonias can give you fall color all winter long. Many other plant varieties will be for sale including orchids, succulents and cacti, citrus, ferns, and terrarium plants.
Historic New England’s Garden and Landscape members receive a 10% discount on purchases and individual and household members receive a 10% discount. Please call 617-994-5913 for more information. Online information: