Daily Archives: March 6, 2025

Wednesday, March 12, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Eastern – An Experiment in Lawn to Meadow Conversion: Exceeding Expectations

Learn how Sara Weaner Cooper converted her lawn into a wildflower meadow while leaving the turf in place and avoiding herbicide, heavy physical labor, and unhappy feedback from neighbors. After two growing seasons, the results have exceeded expectations enough to be featured in The New York Times in 2024. This Grow Native Massachusetts webinar will take place March 12 at 7 pm – free and open to all. Sign up at https://grownativemass.org/Our-Programs/calendar. Sara is Executive Director of New Directions in the American Landscape.

Wednesday, March 12, 12:00 pm Eastern – Dam Busters 201: Building a Dam Removal Project Team, Online

It takes a village to remove a dam. From initial reconnaissance to post-project monitoring, learn how to assemble the right team of people to address project coordination, coordinating community engagement, shepherding the permitting process, working with consultants and experts, and other project management issues. We’ll pay particular attention to the role of the Project Manager and talk about how the size of the team should “match” the size of the project. Understanding how to build a dam removal project team is a crucial preliminary step in this crucial work. This webinar on March 12 is part of a continuing series sponsored by the Massachusetts River Alliance, The Charles River Watershed Association, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ Division of Ecological Restoration. Register at https://www.massriversalliance.org/dam-busters-201