The Boston Committee of the Garden Club of America will hold its Spring 2014 Lecture and Luncheon on Tuesday, April 29, at The Country Club, 191 Clyde Street, Brookline. Guest speaker Catie Marron, co-chair of the board of directors of Friends of the High Line, and Vogue magazine editor, is the author of the recently released book City Parks: Public Places, Private Thoughts. “We live in our parks, and our parks live in us. Parks are where we make loose appointments with friends, where we smooth out our nerves, where we introduce our babies to the outside world. Parks are of the earth, they are of the people, and they are first and foremost, free.” Catie will escort us on a literary and photographic journey focused on the gift of Parks in our lives.
Registration and coffee will begin at 10:00 am, and the lecture begins at 10:30 am. An optional luncheon will follow the lecture. Garden Club of the Back Bay members will receive a written invitation and a car pool notice in the mail. For others who wish to attend, email