Thursday, May 8, 10:00 am – 12:00 noon – Pine Hollow Arboretum Tour

For woody plant and tree lovers, join staff from the Berkshire Botanical Garden on Thursday, May 8 for an exploration of a lesser known horticultural gem, Pine Hollow Arboretum, located in Slingerlands, NY. In 1966, founder John W. Abbuhl, M.D., started planting trees around his home to create an attractive setting. His affinity with the land, his interest in horticulture and his love of trees combined to inspire the creation of an arboretum. The arboretum’s cataloged collection consists of over 3,300 unique trees, shrubs and other woody plants from around the world. This living collection is aesthetically arranged in a natural setting that includes 12 ponds and a succession forest, all easily accessible by a network of walking trails and bridges. Tour the grounds with the founder, Dr. Abbuhl, and learn about the small, flowering tree collections, including magnolias, dogwoods, crabapples and more. View cultivars of unusual genera, too, such as styrax, stewartia and heptacodium. A great way to view specimen plants in a naturalistic setting, just an hour’s drive away.

Participants can choose to carpool or drive separately. Those joining the carpool should meet in the parking lot at Berkshire Botanical Garden for a 9 am departure. Carpool will return at approximately 1 pm. BBG member price $25, non-members $30. Register by visiting

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