The Food Project is pleased to announce City Farm Fest, a celebration of the beginning of spring and the start of the growing season! Please join us on Saturday, May 11 at the Dudley Greenhouse in Roxbury for seedling, compost, and garden materials sales; soil testing and consultations; children’s activities; and more. Enjoy fun and friends at the Dudley Greenhouse, get advice and materials for your garden, and enjoy some tasty food from one of Boston’s finest food trucks. We will be accepting cash, credit, and debit for all sales and EBT for seedling sales.
The Food Project will be partnering with the Boston University Superfund Research Group (BUSRP) to offer FREE SOIL TESTING to the public during City Farm Fest. Soil sampling and soil health consultations will begin at 10:00 a.m. and continue until 3:00 p.m. Click here for instructions on how to collect and prepare a soil sample from your garden for testing.
Planning to buy seedlings for your garden? Seedlings will be sold in singles, 4-packs, and 6-packs, and will cost $3 per package. For more information email