Over the years, Art Scarpa has assembled a collection of plants that extend the growing season to year round. They include camellias, clivias, tropical and hardy bulbs, jasmines, cyclamens, primroses, Living Stones from South Africa and many more. On Wednesday, September 30 at 7 pm at Tower Hill Botanic Garden, he will give tips on how to fill a bright but cold breezeway, balcony or deck with living plants for winter interest and color.
Art Scarpa has been growing unusual plants all his life and his hobby greenhouse is filled to the eaves with plants that reflect his diverse interests. His curiosity has taken him to many exciting places to view them in their natural habitats, such as the US south and southwest, Hawaii, Europe, Australia, South America and South Africa. Now retired, Art is busier than ever, sharing his experiences and horticultural knowledge with others at flower shows, arboreta, garden clubs and fairs all over the northeast. $20 for Tower Hill members, $30 for nonmembers. Register online at www.towerhillbg.org. Image from www.ryanhomesblog.com.