This Berkshire Botanical Garden course on Plant Health Care meets for 4 weeks on Tuesdays, November 26 – December 17, 5:30 – 8:30 pm, in the Education Center. BBG members $215, nonmembers $240. Register online at
Look at factors that affect plant health care, including insects, diseases, pathogens, and abiotic influences. Basic diagnostic techniques will be taught. Learn to minimize potential problems through proper site preparation, plant selection, and placement. Managing problems using biological, chemical, and cultural techniques will be discussed with a focus on IPM (integrated pest management).
Instructor: Jen Werner has taught at the vocational high school level and at Springfield Technical Community College, as well as leading trainings for Master Gardeners and classes for garden clubs and garden centers. her hands-on experience ranges from landscape maintenance, construction and design, greenhouse management and production, nursery work, horticulture therapy, and entrepreneurship. Jen is a NOFA Certified Organic Landcare Professional and recently earned a UMASS Invasive Plant Management Certificate.