Tuesday, July 6, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm – Herbal Salve Workshop

Making Herbal Salves at the Polly Hill Arboretum, State Road, West Tisbury will take place Tuesday, July 6 (repeats August 17) 1pm-3pm.   Holly Bellebuono of Vineyard Herbs returns to PHA for her popular salve-making workshop. This fun hands-on workshop starts with a walk to identify and collect medicinal herbs and weeds on the Arboretum grounds. Then participants make their own oil infusions and beeswax-based ointments. Learn practical knowledge on when and how to use herbal salves and take home your useful creations. Supplies included. $45/$40 for PHA members. Please pre-register by calling 508-693-9426, or email karin@pollyhillarboretum.org.


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