East Mountain is part of a long trap rock (basalt) ridge that extends from central Connecticut just west of Hartford to Mt. Tom in Holyoke, Massachusetts. Many sections of this ridge support a rich and diverse flora, with a high number of uncommon or rare plant species. New England Wild Flower Society invites you to explore one section of this ridge — the beautiful, upland oak-hickory forest along the Westfield/West Springfield town line, on Sunday, August 29, from 10 – 3. Among the many species we hope to find are Aureolaria pedicularia, A. virginica, Viola pedata, both species of Chimaphila, Asplenium platyneuron, numerous different Desmodiums (below), and a wide variety of Asteraceae. Though the ascent is somewhat strenuous, the pace will be leisurely. Wear sturdy hiking boots. Bring bag lunch, water, field guides, insect repellent. $40 for NEWFS members, $45 for nonmembers. Arieh Tal and Nancy Goodman will lead, and you may register at www.newfs.org.