The Arnold Arboretum, in collaboration with the Wellesley College Friends of Horticulture, offers a two day workshop on Saturday, August 21 and Sunday, August 22, from 9:30 to 3:30 each day at the Wellesley College Botanic Garden in Wellesley, Massachusetts. Focus in on a flower blossom and record your observations as an attention grabbing enlargement. Under the guidance of Jeanne Kunze, draw the blossom magnified to show shape and form. See flowers in a new way and record detail not possible not possible at a smaller scale. Increase your ability to infuse subtle nuances and detail into your drawing. For beginners as well as more advanced artists. Develop confidence in your observation and illustration skills through Jeanne’s class demonstrations, individual teaching moments and directed practice. For beginners as well as more advanced artists. Bring your own lunch or walk to local shops.
Fee $150 member, $190 nonmember of either the Arboretum or WCBG. To register online, log on to